"The Prayer, A Love Story" by Jacqueline von Zwehl

JOIN US FOR "COFFEE WITH THE AUTHOR" and a discussion of her 1st book
Time: Saturday, December 19th starting at 10:30 am until noon
Place: Encore Assisted Living, 13798 Cygnus Drive in Avalon Park
Speaker: Jacqueline von Zwehl
Register to attend here - http://www.eventbrite.com/e/coffee-and-the-prayer-with-the-author-tickets-19679183969
This is an inspirational true story of one woman who discovers an extraordinary secret to living a life filled with miracles, unconditional love and answered prayers.
Jacqueline van Zwehl, holds a BFA in Film/TV Studies from New York University and a MBA in Marketing from Pennsylvania State University. She has been writing for over twenty years, is a motivational speaker, and certified life coach. Jacqueline lives in South Florida with her husband Christopher, their two daughters, and dog. The Prayer is her debut book.
Contact [email protected] or call 321-663-1347 for more information.
Time: Saturday, December 19th starting at 10:30 am until noon
Place: Encore Assisted Living, 13798 Cygnus Drive in Avalon Park
Speaker: Jacqueline von Zwehl
Register to attend here - http://www.eventbrite.com/e/coffee-and-the-prayer-with-the-author-tickets-19679183969
This is an inspirational true story of one woman who discovers an extraordinary secret to living a life filled with miracles, unconditional love and answered prayers.
Jacqueline van Zwehl, holds a BFA in Film/TV Studies from New York University and a MBA in Marketing from Pennsylvania State University. She has been writing for over twenty years, is a motivational speaker, and certified life coach. Jacqueline lives in South Florida with her husband Christopher, their two daughters, and dog. The Prayer is her debut book.
Contact [email protected] or call 321-663-1347 for more information.