ProLife Rosary Walk - Saturday, January 23, 2016
You will not see or hear this in the news, but hundreds of thousands of people will be in Washington DC on January 22nd, 2016, marching on the Mall to protest abortion at the 43rd March for Life. An entire generation of Americans has been murdered by abortion since January 22nd, 1973, when the United States Supreme Court legalized abortion in our nation with their decision in the case of Roe vs. Wade. That's over 1.39 million babies each year over the past 43 years. Our CCW will host our annual Pro-Life Rosary Walk on Saturday, January 23rd starting at 1pm. We'll gather at 12:45pm on the corner across from Avalon Perks. Rosaries and Pro-Life Rosary prayer guides will be available. Please join us. Add your voice as a positive witness FOR LIFE! Contact LaVon LeGrand at 407-406-4169 or [email protected] for more information.